Quick Start Guide

Keywords: quick start guide install

A full description of installation procedures can be found in the installation guide . The library can easily be built from source and is available from several places. The two most typical means of distribution are a compressed archive (a tarball ) and cloning the source repository.

Building from a Tarball

If you are building from a tarball download the compressed archive liquid-dsp-<version>.tar.gz to your local machine where <version> denotes the version of the release (e.g. liquid-dsp-1.4.0.tar.gz ). Unpack the tarball

$ tar -xvf liquid-dsp-1.4.0.tar.gz

Move into the directory and run the configure script and make the library.

$ cd liquid-dsp-1.4.0
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

Cloning the Git Repository

You may also build the latest version of the code by cloning the Git repository. The main repository for liquid is hosted online by github and can be cloned on your local machine via

$ git clone git://github.com/jgaeddert/liquid-dsp.git

Move into the directory, check out a particular tag, and build as before with the archive, but with the additional bootstrapping step:

$ cd liquid-dsp
$ git checkout v1.4.0
$ ./reconf
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

Additional make Targets

You might also want to build and run the optional validation program (see autotests ) via

$ make check

and the benchmarking tool (see benchmarks )

$ make bench

A comprehensive list of signal processing examples is given in the examples directory (see examples ). You may build all of the example binaries at one time by running

$ make examples

Sometimes, however, it is useful to build one example individually. This can be accomplished by directly targeting its binary (e.g. make examples/cvsd_example ). The example then can be run at the command line (e.g. " ./examples/cvsd_example ").