Analog Frequency Modulator/Demodulator (freqmod, freqdem)
API Keywords: frequency modulation frequency demodulation FM
The freqmod and freqdem objects implement the analog frequency modulation (FM) modulator and demodulator, respectively, in liquid. Given an input message signal \(-1 \le m(t) \le 1\) , the transmitted signal at complex baseband is
$$ s(t) = \exp\left\{ j 2 \pi k_f \int_{0}^{t}{ m(\tau)d\tau } \right\} $$where \(k_f\) is the modulation factor. For a discrete-sampled time series, the transmitted signal at time index \(k\) is simply
$$ s[k] = \exp\left\{ j 2 \pi k_f \sum_{j=0}^{k-1}{m[j]} \right\} $$The modulation index governs the relative bandwidth of the signal. For a received time series \(\vec{r} = \left\{r[0],r[1],\ldots,r[k] \right\}\) , demodulation is performed simply by computing the instantaneous phase difference between adjacent samples, viz
$$ \hat{m}[k] = \frac{1}{2 \pi k_f} \arg\left\{ r^*[k-1] r[k] \right\} $$This provides an estimate of the input message signal, represented as\(\hat{m}\) in [ref:eqn-modem-freqmod-rx-discrete] above. An example of the freqmod and freqdem object outputs can be found in[ref:fig-modem-freqmodem] , below.

Figure [fig-modem-freqmodem]. freqmodem demonstration modulating an audio signal with a modulation index of \(k_f=0.1\) and a relative carrier frequency \(f_c/F_s = 0.1\) .
An example of the interface is listed below.
#include <liquid/liquid.h>
int main() {
float kf = 0.1f; // modulation factor
// create modulator/demodulator objects
freqmod fmod = freqmod_create(kf);
freqdem fdem = freqdem_create(kf);
float m; // input message
float complex s; // modulated signal
float y; // output/demodulated message
// repeat as necessary
// modulate signal
freqmod_modulate(fmod, m, &s);
// demodulate signal
freqdem_demodulate(fdem, s, &y);
// clean up objects
A more detailed example can be found in examples/freqmodem_example.c located under the main liquid project source directory.
Listed below is the full interface to the freqmod object for analog frequency modulation.
- freqmod_create(kf) creates and returns an freqmod object with a modulation factor \(k_f\) .
- freqmod_destroy(q) destroys an freqmod object, freeing all internally-allocated memory.
- freqmod_print(q) prints the internal state of the freqmod object.
- freqmod_reset(q) resets the state of the freqmod object.
- freqmod_modulate(q,m,*s) modulates the input sample \(m\) storing the single output sample to \(s\) .
- freqmod_modulate_block(q,*m,n,*s) modulates \(n\) input samples of \(m\) and stores the output to the array \(s\) of equal length.
The interface for the demodulator ( freqdem ) is shown here:
- freqdem_create(kf) creates and returns an freqdem object with a modulation factor \(k_f\) .
- freqdem_destroy(q) destroys an freqdem object, freeing all internally-allocated memory.
- freqdem_print(q) prints the internal state of the freqdem object.
- freqdem_reset(q) resets the state of the freqdem object.
- freqdem_demodulate(q,s,*m) demodulates the input sample \(s\) storing the output estimate of the message signal to the single sample \(m\) .
- freqdem_demodulate_block(q,*s,n,*m) demodulates \(n\) input samples of \(s\) and stores the output to the array \(m\) of equal length.